Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy
Degree Education
Bachelor and master educations
- Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Education in Social Sciences and Philosophy
- Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Education in Social Work
Master educations
- Master's Degree Education in Social Sciences and Philosophy
- Master's Degree Education in Social Work
- Master’s Degree Education in Development, Education and International Cooperation
Doctoral educations
Other degree educations
Elective studies and study modules
Basic studies
Intermediate studies
- Intermediate Studies in Social Sciences and Philosophy as Optional Studies
- Intermediate Studies in Social Work as Optional Studies
- Study Module in Moral and Ethical Education
- Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian aineopinnot valinnaisina opintoina (vain sosiaalityön tutkinto-opiskelijoille)
Other elective studies and study modules
Other studies
- FILM5001 Special Issues in Philosophy 1
- FILM5002 Special Issues in Philosophy 2
- FILM5003 Special Issues in Philosophy 3
- FILS5001 Philosophy of Neuroscience
- POLM4001 Special Issues in Political Science 1
- POLM4002 Special Issues in Political Science 2
- POLM4003 Special Issues in Political Science 3
- SOSM5001 Special Issues in Sosiology 1
- SOSM5002 Special Issues in Sociology 2
- SOSM5003 Special Issues in Sociology 3
- STOA8100 Aineopintojen ylimääräiset teoriaopinnot
- STOA8200 Aineopintojen ylimääräiset metodiopinnot
- STOM1001 Sosiaalityön käytännön opetuksen ohjaajakoulutus
- STOS4001 Expertise Studies in Social Work
- STOS8100 Syventävien opintojen ylimääräiset teoriaopinnot
- STOS8200 Syventävien opintojen ylimäääriset metodiopinnot
- YFIM8003 Summer Course
- YFIM8004 Complementary Course in Own Specialisation 1
- YFIM8005 Complementary Course in Own Specialisation 2
- YFIM8008 Complementary Course in Own Specialisation 3
- YFIY1113 Work-based Learning
- YFIY1114 Lecture Pass in the Field of Social Sciences and Philosophy