KIEMA_SKIOS Specialisation in Finnish Language (120+ cr)
Study level:
Other studies
Responsible organisation:
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Curriculum periods:
2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023
Elective studies:
Learning outcomes
Select all (80+ cr)
- Detailed description
Advanced Studies in Finnish Language
60+ crSKISYVSelect all (60+ cr)Opintosuunnan (suomen kieli) opintojaksot
Select min. 25 cr- JOUS1033 Journalism Critique (5 cr)Not published for this curriculum period
Select all (35 cr)
- Detailed description
Joint advanced studies in the degree programme
10+ crKIEMASYVYHTSelect min. 10 crDiskurssintutkimus
Select min. 0 pcs. (0–48 cr)- MONS1009 Opinnot ulkomailla: diskurssintutkimus (1–10 cr)Not published for this curriculum period
Kielen oppiminen ja opettaminen
Select min. 0 pcs. (0–73 cr)- KOPS1009 Studies abroad: language learning and teaching (1–10 cr)Not published for this curriculum period
Muut yhteiset opinnot
Select all (10+ cr)Vapaasti valittavat opintokokonaisuudet
Select min. 0 pcs. (0+ cr)- Any study module
- Detailed description
Communication and Language Studies
0+ crXVIEKIE_VAPAASelect min. 0 cr- Any course unit
- Detailed description
Other Studies
10+ crKIEMAMUUSelect all (10+ cr)Täydentävät opinnot
Select 0–10 crYleisopinnot
Select all (10–20 cr)Työelämätuntemus
Select 5–15 cr / 60 cr- KLSY105 Workplace Learning as a Congress Assistant (1–10 cr)Not published for this curriculum period
Vapaasti valittavat opintojaksot
Select min. 0 pcs. (0+ cr)- Any course unit