Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics

Degree title:
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree program type:
Doctor's Degree
50+ cr
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Coordinating organisation:
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


The aim of doctoral education is to educate professionals in research, competent and versatile experts in various fields for the needs of society. The professional expertise of a graduate develops during doctoral training as a result of conducting research, attending postgraduate courses and training events, and acting as a member of the academic and scientific community.

The Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics has two specialisation options: one in Mathematics and one in Statistics. To obtain a doctorate, a doctoral thesis and at least 50 credits of postgraduate studies must be completed in both specialisations. The requirements for a licentiate degree are otherwise the same as for a doctorate, but the dissertation is replaced by a licentiate thesis.

Learning outcomes

A doctorate in mathematics or statistics
- has demonstrated a thorough knowledge of his or her field of research
- has the ability to apply independently and critically the methods of scientific research
- is able to identify, follow and assimilate the latest international research in their field
- is able to generate new knowledge independently
- is able to communicate clearly and understandably about his/her field and research
- has the ability to work in demanding expert and development roles and in international collaboration
- acts ethically and promotes scientific transparency
- has national and international networks.


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