Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius
Degree Education
Bachelor and master educations
- Bachelor's Degree Education in Early Childhood (KYC)
- Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Education in Primary Teacher Education for Students with Previous University Studies
- Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Education in Social Work (KYC)
Master educations
- Master's Degree Education in Computer Science (KYC)
- Master's Degree Education in Social Work (KYC)
- Master’s Degree Education in Primary Teacher Education for Students with Previous University Studies
Doctoral educations
Elective studies and study modules
Basic studies
Intermediate studies
- Intermediate Studies in Early Childhood Education as Optional Studies
- Professional Studies of Special Education Teachers
Other elective studies and study modules
Non-degree education
- FITech Network Studies Education (KYC)
- Separate Education for Early Childhood Teachers (KYC)
- Separate Education for Special Education Teachers (KYC)
- Separate Studies Education in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (KYC)
Other studies
- CVAM1020 Preschool Pedagogy
- CVAM1040 Supporting Child’s Development
- CVAM1050 Collaboration with Families and Multiprofessional Partners
- CVAM1090 Pedagogy of Fine Arts and Crafts
- CVAM1110 Ethics and Equality in Early Childhood Education
- CVAM1120 Drama in Education and Play
- KYCY3020 Introduction to Digital Technologies
- STOA8100 Aineopintojen ylimääräiset teoriaopinnot
- STOA8200 Aineopintojen ylimääräiset metodiopinnot
- STOS4001 Expertise Studies in Social Work
- STOS8100 Syventävien opintojen ylimääräiset teoriaopinnot
- STOS8200 Syventävien opintojen ylimäääriset metodiopinnot
- TIES6390 Article Summary of IoT-systems
- VKTA4301 Bachelor's Thesis and Seminar