Department of Biological and Environmental Science
Degree Education
Bachelor and master educations
- Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Education in Biology
- Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Education in Natural Resources and Environment
Master educations
- Master's Degree Education in Aquatic Sciences
- Master's Degree Education in Biological and Environmental Science
- Master's Degree Education in Cell and Molecular Biology
- Master's Degree Education in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Master's Degree Education in Environmental Science
- Master's Degree Education in Nanoscience
Doctoral educations
Other degree educations
Elective studies and study modules
Basic studies
Intermediate studies
- Intermediate Studies in Biological and environmental sciences
- Intermediate Studies in Biology as Optional Studies for Subject Teachers
Other elective studies and study modules
Non-degree education
Other studies
- BENA2550 Intermediate level Research Project in the Biological and Environmental Sciences
- BENA4038 Basics of ecotoxicology
- BENA9001 Courses in Biological and Environmental Sciences
- BENP9001 Courses in Biological and Environmental Sciences
- BENS5112 Data Processing and Visualization in Biology
- BENS5121 Aquatic Parasitology
- BENS7002 Towards Sustainable Development Goals: the Nexus of Water, Food and Energy (JSS31)
- BENS9001 Courses in Biological and Environmental Sciences
- BENS9850 Advanced level Research Project in the Biological and Environmental Sciences
- BENY2021 PW MOOC I: Introduction to planetary well-being
- BENY3001 Assistance in congress
- BENY3030 Nature under Threat 1: Species and Ecosystems
- BENY3031 Nature under Threat 2: Red-List Assessments in Finland and Globally
- CMBJ1001 Histologian kuulustelu
- CMBJ1002 Molekyylipatologian kuulustelu
- CMBJ1003 Yleispatologian itseopintokokonaisuus
- CMBJ1004 Elinpatologian itseopintokokonaisuus
- CMBJ1005 Sairaalasolubiologian pätevyyskuulustelu
- CMBJ1006 Patologian alan kliininen harjoittelu
- MTKY1020 Orientation to Science