RMBMP_KTMOS Specialisation in Economics and Business Administration (120+ cr)
Study level:
Advanced studies
Responsible organisation:
Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics
Coordinating organisation:
Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028
Elective studies:
Learning outcomes
Select all (85+ cr)
- Detailed description
Advanced Studies in Responsible Business and Management of Sport (Economics and Business Administration)
81 crRESSYVJSBSelect all (78–81 cr) Optional Study Modules
Select min. 0 cr- Any study module
- Detailed description
Communication and Language Studies
13+ crXMAIS_RMBMPSelect 1 pcs. (5+ cr)Communication and Language Studies For International Students
Select all (13+ cr)Finnish courses
Select min. 1 pcs. (5–25 cr)Communication and Language Courses for Master's Level
Select all (8–10 cr)Elective Communication and Language Studies
Select min. 0 pcs. (0+ cr)- Any course unit
Communication and Language Studies For Finnish Students
Select all (5+ cr)Communication and Language Courses for Master's Level
Select min. 0 pcs. (0–10 cr)Elective Communication and Language Studies
Select min. 5 cr- Any course unit
- Detailed description
Other Studies
2+ crMUUT_RMBMPSelect all (2+ cr)Compulsory other studies
Select all (2 cr)Recommended Optional Studies
Select min. 0 pcs. (0+ cr)- Any course unit