Master's Degree Programme in Artificial Intelligence

Degree title:
Master of Science
Degree program type:
Master's Degree
120 cr
Responsible organisation:
Faculty of Information Technology
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


Programme graduates are equipped with following knowledge and skills for: (a) the advanced use of the available AI methods, algorithms and tools (as black-boxes) within different domains and businesses (i.e., without deep understanding of the insights of these methods, algorithms and tools); (b) the inventing, designing and developing of new advanced AI methods, algorithms and tools (with deep understanding of the insights of AI methods, algorithms and tools). Therefore, graduates can work within any company either as an advanced developer or as an advanced user of AI tools, products, and services and graduates from the program can find employment in a wide range of sectors, such as finance, education, construction, cybersecurity, defense, industry or healthcare. 

Fundamental pillars of the AI prgramme

  • Data-driven AI: Exploring (designing and using) capabilities of AI to learn from data 
  • Knowledge-based AI: Exploring (designing and using) capabilities of AI to manage knowledge and reason based on it 
  • Autonomous and Responsible AI: Exploring (designing and using) capabilities of AI to behave responsibly without human control, either individually or as a team 

Learning outcomes

After completing the degree, graduates of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) programme are able to professionally use Artificial Intelligence (i.e., already developed models, algorithms and tools) in everyday business to solve complex problems or/and to design and develop new and further advanced Artificial Intelligence (i.e., new models, algorithms and tools).

To achieve that goal, the graduate has obtained a wide view on the AI domain including modern and highly advanced topics of it (with appropriate models, algorithms and tools) such as:

  • machine learning, deep learning and cognitive computing;
  • knowledge representation, reasoning and decision-making;
  • semantic web, linked data and knowledge graphs;
  • artificial general intelligence, autonomous agents, and collective intelligence;
  • AI & security (AI as subject, object or instrument of attack and defense). 


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