Master's Degree Programme in Music and Science
During the program, students complete a master’s thesis that adheres to the standards and practices of high-quality academic and communication skills, supporting the acquisition of expertise and the development of critical thinking within their chosen research theme. Students also learn to apply scientific knowledge in their field and to work as experts and innovators in professional environments.
In the bilingual Master’s program in Music and Science, the official languages of instruction are Finnish and English. Finnish and international students study together in the same groups, enhancing their internationalization and their skills in multicultural and multilingual communication. The curriculum includes mandatory language and communication studies related to these areas. Students also have the opportunity to apply for internships abroad and to include other foreign-language courses offered by the department and university in their elective studies.
Learning outcomes
An FM graduate:
- has mastered the key contents and methods of their discipline and deepened their expertise in one or more specialist areas
- knows how to create new knowledge and act as a globally responsible developer in their field
- knows how to use ethical judgment in expert tasks and knows how to evaluate ethical questions at different stages of the research process
- has versatile mastery of project work and communication skills required for expert positions
- values and knows how to develop cooperation in multilingual and multi-cultural environments
- recognizes the strengths of their own competence and has adopted the concept of lifelong learning
- knows how to structure their own competence in relation to their employment goals and has the skills for a scientific postgraduate degree in their field
Musicological skills:
- has mastered the key contents and methods of musicology with an emphasis on empirical methods
- is able to evaluate and apply selected research methods to relevant questions in music and/or art therapy research
- can explain and evaluate musical phenomena through the theories in specialist areas of musicology and applied music research
- understands the interdisciplinary nature of music research
- has a deep knowledge of phenomena in the sub-field they have chosen to focus on and knows how to broadly relate it to other musical phenomena
- understands the psychological, cultural, and social nature of music and can actively discuss these issues in Finnish and English
- can produce and communicate new information related to musical phenomena in Finnish and English, and act as a developer in their own field
- has the skills to further develop their own musical and scientific expertise
- Detailed description
Advanced Studies in Music and Science
80+ crMUSSYVSelect all (80–86 cr)Special issues of music research
Select 10 cr / 25 crOptional studies in Music and Science
Select 20 cr / 60 crWorking life studies II
Select 5–11 cr / 30 cr
Optional Studies
Select all (15+ cr)Freely chosen study units and modules
Select min. 0 pcs. (0+ cr)- Any study module
- Detailed description
Communication and Language Studies
15+ crXMAIS_MUSMPSelect min. 1 pcs. (15+ cr)Communication and Language Studies for International Students
Select min. 15 crFinnish as a second language
Select min. 1 pcs. (5–25 cr)Elective courses
Select min. 0 cr- Any course unit
Communication and Language Studies for Finnish Students
Select min. 15 crElective communication and language courses
Select min. 5 cr- Any course unit
- Detailed description
Other Studies
0+ crMUSMAMUUSelect min. 0 crCompulsory courses
Select 1 pcs. (1 cr / 2 cr)Optional courses
Select min. 0 pcs. (0+ cr)- Any course unit