Doctoral Programme of the Centre for Applied Language Studies

Degree title:
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree program type:
Doctor's Degree
30+ cr
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Coordinating organisation:
Centre for Applied Language Studies
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


Doctoral studies in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences stress the ability to conduct research independently, the ability to complete and report an extensive research project, and the ability to present and defend the research in a public examination. Doctoral education prepares the doctoral student to be an expert in the chosen field and provides the doctoral student with analytic thinking, problem-solving, communication and information technology skills. 

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree presupposes the doctoral studies required in the curriculum as well as a dissertation.

The licentiate degree consists of a licentiate thesis and additional postgraduate studies.

Learning outcomes

After completing a doctoral degree in the fields of humanities or social sciences, the doctoral student

  • has mastered research skills and
    • knows the research that is central to their topic and can relate their own research problem and the results of their research to it
    • is familiar with the relevant theoretical and methodological issues in their field of research
    • is able to apply what they have learned and create new scientific knowledge
    • can act responsibly, ethically and in accordance with good scientific practice
  • is able to engage in deep critical and analytical thinking and the creative problem solving and decision making that go with it
  • has mastered scientific communication and interaction
  • has the ability to carry out independent research and perform demanding expert tasks

In addition, depending on the content of the courses or study units they select, for example, the student

  • has good networking and collaboration skills and is able to work in a variety of working environments, such as research projects
  • is able to articulate the contribution of their knowledge to society and contribute to the societal impact of their research


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