YCCA2220 Communication, Behavior Insight and Social Marketing (4–6 cr)

Study level:
Intermediate studies
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics
Coordinating organisation:
Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics, Open University
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


Social Marketing is an approach where commercial principles are used to change or maintain people’s behaviour for the benefit of individuals and society as a whole. It leverages behavioural insights to promote behavioural change and is de facto part of the approaches that applies behavioural sciences to address different societal issues such as health concerns, environmental challenges, or anything that requires behavior change.

This course will offer opportunities to understand what social marketing is and how it can be applied to transform our society for better. The special focus is on communication and how communication can be be harnessed to create solutions that create value for all. 

The study module introduces the students to several UN Sustainable Development Goals, such as Goals 3 Good health and wellbeing, 10 Reduced inequalities, 12 Sustainable consumption and production, 13 Climate action and 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions. 

Learning outcomes

After completion of the course the student is able to:

- Understand principles of social marketing to address societal issues.

- Understand how communication can play essential role to create effective solutions.

- Apply behavior insight to analyse different social issues and create effective communication.

- Evaluate and further develop different types of interventions based on social marketing principles.

As meta skills, the student will learn:

- analytic, systematic thinking skills

- creative problem solving

- interdisciplinary and ability to work in multi professional groups

- ethical & sustainable thinking

Additional information

Description of prerequisites

JSBE: pakollisena esitietona YTTP1150 Viestinnän johtamisen perusteet tai YTTP2150 Introduction to Corporate Communication.

Avoin yliopisto: YTTP1150 Viestinnän johtamisen perusteet tai Liiketoimintaosaamisen perusopinnot.

Study materials

Selected scientific articles.

Books e.g.

- Hastings, G. and Domegan, C. (2023). Social Marketing. Principles and practice delivering global change. 4th Edition.

- French, J. & Gordon, R. 2016/2019 Strategic Social Marketing.
- Kotler, Lee & Coulehour, 2023 (or earlier). Social Marketing, Behavior Change for Good.
-Hagger MS, Cameron LD, Hamilton K, Hankonen N, Lintunen T, eds. The Handbook of Behavior Change. Cambridge University Press; 2020.

Online sources e.g:

- https://www.oecd.org/gov/regulatory-policy/behavioural-insights.htm

- https://europeansocialmarketing.org/

Completion methods

Method 1

Participation in teaching, readings, assignments.
Evaluation criteria:
Participation in teaching, readings, assignments.
Time of teaching:
Period 3
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

Participation in teaching (4–6 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
No published teaching