FYSA2020 Mechanics (5 cr)
Newtonian mechanics (Newton’s laws and conservation laws)
Oscillations (linear, damped, two-dimensional)
calculus of variations (Euler-Lagrange equations)
Lagrangian mechanics (Lagrangian, generalized coordinates, constraints, connection between conservation laws and symmetries, basics of Hamiltonian mechanics)
gravitation and central-field motion (Newton’s law of gravitation, central-field motion, effective potential, planetary motion)
Newtonian mechanics and selected types of problems
non-intertial coordinate systems (rotating coordinate systems, centrifugal force and Coriolis force)
rigid-body dynamics (energy and angular momentum, moments of inertia, principal axes, equations of motion for rotations, stability of rotations)
coupled oscillations (general procedure of solving, applications)
methods for solving various types of problems (lecture examples and problem sets)
Learning outcomes
After completing the study unit the student can
describe the foundations of Newtonian mechanics
apply Newtonian mechanics in three-dimensional situations
decide when Lagrangian or Hamiltonian mechanics is particularly useful
apply Lagrangian mechanics in cases with constraints
reduce for central forces a two-body problem into one-body problem
describe planetary motion and the concept of constant of motion
deduce the apparent forces in a rotating corrdinate system
for the moment of inertia tensor for a rigid body
apply the equations of motion of a rigid body
find normal modes and their frequencies for coupled oscillations
solve applied problems staring from the equations of the basic theory
Description of prerequisites
FYSP1010 Introduction to Mechanics
FYSP1020 Waves and thermodynamics
MATP211-213 Calculus 1-3, especially:
Properties of elementary functions
Derivative and integral
MATA114 Differential equation; especially:
1st order separable differential equation
2st order constant-coefficient differential equation
MATA181-181 Vector Calculus 1-2, especially:
Differential, partial derivative, gradient
Integral over a three-dimensional volume
Integral over a path
MATP121-122 Linear Algebraand Geometry 1-2; especially
Vectors: sum, dot product, cross product
Matrix and determinant
Products of vectors and matrices
Rotation matrices
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
In addition the basic properties of complex numbers.
Study materials
Luentomateriaali TIM:ssä
- Thornton & Marion: Classical dynamics of particles and systems. ISBN: 978-0-495-55610-7
Completion methods
Method 1
Method 2
Teaching (5 cr)
Luennot, laskuharjoitukset, tentti ja laboratoriotyöt.
3/13–6/2/2023 Lectures
Independent study (5 cr)
Self-study, exam and laboratory work.