XENX1000 Gaining confidence in English (1 cr)
Study level:
Other studies
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
Responsible organisation:
Centre for Multilingual Academic Communication
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028
Course description
This course addresses the themes of apprehension and anxiety in speaking a foreign language, and develops the courage to speak English through a variety of interaction tasks. The course offers opportunities to gain experience with speaking English and supportive guidance. Tools for developing English skills further will also be introduced.
identifying feelings and thoughts related to language anxiety
pair, group and class discussions
Learning outcomes
On completion of the course, the student is expected to
- Have developed their confidence to speak English
- Identify the feelings, thoughts and attitudes associated with speaking English, and
- Know how to access their own language repertoire and develop their English skills further.
Additional information
PROFICIENCY LEVEL: A2 - B2 (lower intermediate - upper intermediate)
Completion methods
Method 1
Evaluation criteria:
Compulsory and active participation. Successful completion of core assignments.
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods
Teaching (1 cr)
Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
Pass - fail