TJTS5033 Master's Thesis Seminar (IS) (5 cr)

Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
Responsible organisation:
Faculty of Information Technology
Coordinating organisation:
Faculty of Information Technology
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028

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Master's Thesis Seminari for Information systems (IS/international MDP)



The seminar aims at supporting the work on student's thesis. Work groups have sessions in the fall and / or spring. Typically, the student gives a presentation on her topic and research proposal, and deliver and present about 20-25-page report ("mini-thesis") on her thesis topic and report her data collection plan. Students also act as an opponent for other student's works. The course includes an assessment of the approved thesis.

Completion methods

Working in small groups, written and oral reporting. Presentations, reviews as an opponent, written work, and active participation in the sessions. Course workload 135h: Seminar sessions: 12 h, Preparation of own presentations and written work: 100 h, Reviewing other students' work: 23 h.

Assessment details

Passing the course requires the active participation of seminar session and delivering the assignments, proposals, and the seminar report.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course the student is familiar with a systematic way to implement a small-scale thesis research, is able to design a small-scale thesis research project, is able to report on the thesis research project at different stages, both orally and in writing, and know how to give constructive feedback to others on their work at different stages.

Description of prerequisites

After completing the course the student is familiar with a systematic way to implement a small-scale thesis research, is able to design a small-scale thesis research project, is able to report on the thesis research project at different stages, both orally and in writing, and know how to give constructive feedback to others on their work at different stages.

Completion methods

Method 1

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Parts of the completion methods

Participation in teaching (5 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
No published teaching