KUMP004 Societies and social relationships (5 cr)
This course draws from anthropological and ethnological research traditions to examine the relationships that tie humans to each other. The main themes are social groups, networks, kinship and family, ethnicity, nationalism, transnationalism and multispecies relations.
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student will:
understand anthropological theories related to the family and kinship
be familiar with the key concepts ethnicity, identity, nationalism and transnationalism
be able to explain how social networks and structures work on the level of culture.
Additional information
Taught course. Independent work on written assignments is possible in special cases.
Study materials
Tenttiin luetaan kolme seuraavista kirjoista
Amit,Vered (toim.). 2001. Realizing Community: Concepts, Social Relationships and Sentiments. Saatavana elektronisena julkaisuna.
Carsten, Janet 2004. After Kinship. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Fingerroos, Outi, Tapaninen, Anna-Maria, Tiilikainen Marja (toim.). 2016. Perheenyhdistäminen. Kuka saa perheen Suomeen, kuka ei ja miksi?
Cabot, Heath 2014. On the Doorstep of Europe: Asylum and Citizenship in Greece.
Horsti, Karina (ed.). 2019: The Politics of Public Memories of Forced Migration and Bordering in Europe.
Mathur, Nayanika. 2021. Crooked Cats: Beastly Encounters in the Anthropocene.
Vertovec, Steven. 2009. Transnationalism