FYSS5404 Photonics (7 cr)

Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Department of Physics
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


Properties of light:
  • Ray-Optics

  • Wave-optics

  • Electromagnetic optics

  • Polarization optics

Confined light:
  • Photonic crystals

  • Waveguides

  • Optical fibers

  • Cavities

  • Surface Plasmons

Semi-classical model of light-matter interaction:
  • Atoms interacting with a classical electromagnetic field

  • Principles of lasers

Non-classical light:
  • Quantization of electromagnetic field

  • Interaction of an atom with the quantized electromagnetic field, Jaynes-Cummings model

Learning outcomes

After completion, students can:

  • model optical problems with different tools and models

  • explain the basic principles of light guiding and confinement

  • apply the theories of light-matter interaction

  • explain the principles of lasers

  • quantize the free electromagnetic field

  • model the light-atom interaction with quantized field (Jaynes-Cummings –model) 

Additional information

The course is aimed for both experimentally oriented students, who also want to know the theoretical principles, as well as for theoretically oriented people, who want to learn also how to model practical problems.

Description of prerequisites

  • FYSP1050 Basics of electromagnetism

  • especially Maxwell’s equations and optics

  • FYSA2003 Modern physics, part A

  • FYSA2030 and FYSA2032 Quantum mechanics, parts A&B or KEMS401 Quantum chemistry 

Study materials

Lecture slides and the books below


  • Grynberg, Aspect, Fabre: Introduction to Quantum Optics
  • Saleh, Teich: Fundamentals of Photonics

Completion methods

Method 1

Lectured every other year in the spring (odd years)
Evaluation criteria:
Exercises (40%), laboratory work (20%) and midterm exams (40%).
Time of teaching:
Period 3, Period 4
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

Participation in teaching (7 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
Evaluation criteria:
<p>Exercises 40%, exams 40%, laboratory work 20%.</p>
Study methods:

Lectures, exercises, laboratory work and mid-term exams.
