ENVS2411 Spatial land-use planning (3 cr)
Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Department of Biological and Environmental Science
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028
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Theory and practical applications of land use planning with a focus on conservation.
The theoretical background and practical applications of spatial land use planning. Specific examples for conservation planning. The course involves learning-by-doing with Zonation software, which gives tools to utilize spatial data analysis in land-use planning.
Learning outcomes
After attending this course, the student:
- Knows what kind of spatial land-use planning problems can be solved with utilizing Zonation.
- Can exemplify the conservation applications of the analysis.
- Masters the basic functions of the software, understands its functional principles, and is aware of the limitations of the analysis.
- Is able to plan and conduct a simple Zonation analysis independently and knows how to acquire additional information through literature.
- Is able to plan a more complicated analysis when supported by a more experienced collaborator.
Description of prerequisites
ENVS1125 or very good GIS skills
Recommended prerequisites
- Prerequisite group 1
Study materials
Lectures, literature package and exercise materials in Moodle.
Completion methods
Method 1
Course is organised every second year.
Evaluation criteria:
Presentation of a case study, final report of independent exercise, and seminar presentation are evaluated with a scale from 0 to 5. Overall grade is the arithmetic mean of these grades.
Time of teaching:
Period 4
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods
Participation in teaching (3 cr)
Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
2/18–3/27/2025 Small group teaching
Enrolment closedTeaching ongoing