BENA4040 Environmental microbiology and technology (3 cr)
Study level:
Intermediate studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Department of Biological and Environmental Science
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028
Chemical properties of a substance in the environment, the effect of chemical properties on their distribution and microbiological degradation in the environment.Introduction to Environmental Technology. Environmental technology as part of society's infrastructure: Fundamentals of environmental and energy technology. Treatment of domestic water, wastewater and waste, remediation of contaminated environment, air protection. Best available techniques.
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student is able
-to assess factors affecting the harmfulness and microbiological degradability of a chemical
-identify areas of environmental technology and the microbiological methods used in it,
-understand the properties of drinking water and urban waste water and the processes of treatment plants, including recirculating aquaculture,-know the basics of waste management and waste treatment techniques,-identify the most common sources of air pollution and techniques to reduce them,-identify groundwater pollution and technologies to combat itDescription of prerequisites
BENP1006 tai BENA2002 Mikrobiologia
Study materials
Kurssilla osoitettu kirjallisuus, vaihtelee toteutuksen mukaan.
Completion methods
Method 1
Evaluation criteria:
Participation in the teaching and exam/training work
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Method 2
Määritetty kirjallisuus. Oppimispäiväkirja ja ryhmäkeskustelutilaisuus aiheesta
Evaluation criteria:
Päiväkirjan laatu ja suullisen keskustelun perusteella arvioitu oppimisprosessi
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Parts of the completion methods
Participation in teaching (3 cr)
Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
4/11–5/22/2025 Small group teaching
Late enrolment open