YTTP2110 Introduction to Management and Leadership (5 cr)

Study level:
Basic studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028

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You will learn about principles, methods and procedures of management: planning, organizing, control and leading people within organizations.


Organizations are the basic units of purposeful action. Organizations are not just about results and profit, but are many types of social activity, be it school, workplace or hobbies. Organizing is vital for achieving common purposes. Similarly, successful organizations need skilled, reliable and creative individuals and teams. Leading and managing organizations effectively is demanding work, but it also involves ordinary and repetitive tasks.

This course covers the history of management thought, organizations in variety of environments, organizational culture and design, decision-making and strategic management. We examine contemporary phenomenon such the impact of technology, importance of a green business environment, ethical challenges, and the need to adapt in changing times.

Learning outcomes

Developing meta skills of management and organizing, students will be able to:

- explain the basic theories and concepts of leadership and management;

- examine organisational behaviour from individual, group and organisational perspectives;

- develop critical thinking skills;

- assess leadership and management in different contexts;

- explain the basic concepts of strategic management;

- assess sustainability and responsibility in contemporary management discussion. 

Additional information

The course will discuss the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

- Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all;

- Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation;

- Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns;

- Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts;

- Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

Study materials

Course book and additional material.


  • Griffin, R. 2022. Management. (13th edition) Cengage learning.

Completion methods

Method 1

Online teaching , exam.
Time of teaching:
Period 4
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

Participation in teaching (5 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
No published teaching