XSL0006 Slovak 2 (5 cr)

Study level:
Other studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Centre for Multilingual Academic Communication
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


Course description

The goal is to cope more smoothly in informal oral and written situations related to everyday life, for example, work, study, or personal interests. Grammatical structures and vocabulary are developed through various communicative simulations. Slovak society and culture are introduced more broadly.

Main content

  • Telling about oneself and one's family
  • Getting arounf the city, sights
  • Hobbies
  • Weather
  • Time
  • Basic academic vocabulary - participating in a student conference
  • Vocabulary related to working life

Grammatical structures

  • Verb conjugation, the past tense
  • Locative, dative, preposition and possessives

Learning outcomes

On the completion of the course, the student is expected to

  • be able to participate in everyday interactions by using basic vocabulary and phrases in Slovak language
  • understand and produce simple and cohesive texts from the topics familiar to them in Slovak language
  • be able to utilize their multilingual language repertoire to further develop their language skills
  • have familiarized themselves with customs and cultures related to Slovakia, and be aware of various values, attitudes and norms related to the culture

Additional information

Recommended to be taken in the spring term.

The course is optional and is part of the optional language and communication studies.

Both the Finnish and international / exchange students are welcome.

Description of prerequisites

Elementary Slovak course or equivalent knowledge of the Slovak language.

Recommended prerequisites

Study materials

Opettajan laatimia materiaaleja.

Krížom krážom. Slovencina A1. R. Kamenárová, E. Španová, H. Tichá, H. Ivoríková, Z. Kleschtová, M. Mošatová, Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava, 2018.


  • - Krížom krážom. Slovencina A1. R. Kamenárová, E. Španová, H. Tichá, H. Ivoríková, Z. Kleschtová, M. Mošatová, Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava, 2018.

Completion methods

Method 1

Evaluation criteria:
Active participation in teaching and passing all the required assignments.
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

Teaching (5 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
No published teaching