WISP1002 PW MOOC II: Systems and planetary well-being (1 cr)
Study level:
Other studies
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Department of Biological and Environmental Science, Open University, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Coordinating organisation:
Open University
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028
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Completion method: independent study, MOOC -course. Open university.
The course explores the properties and interactions of natural and social systems from a systemic perspective, emphasising sustainability issues.
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student:
- Can describe properties, functions and interactions of natural and social systems with systems-thinking terminology.
- Can justify the importance of holistic systems approach to tackling sustainability.
- an describe how different social systems (e.g. food and energy systems) relate to sustainability.
Description of prerequisites
BENY2021, PW MOOC I: Introduction to planetary well-being OR
WISY1001, PW MOOC I: Introduction to planetary well-being
Recommended prerequisites
- Prerequisite group 1
Completion methods
Method 1
Vanhan opetussuunnitelman mukainen toteutus. Ilmoittaudu 1.9.2024 alkaen uuden opetussuunnitelman mukaisesti.
Evaluation criteria:
Itsenäinen työskentely, MOOC-kurssi
Time of teaching:
Period 1, Period 2, Period 3, Period 4, Period 5
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Method 2
Uuden opetussuunnitelman mukainen toteutus.
Evaluation criteria:
Itsenäinen työskentely, MOOC-kurssi
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Parts of the completion methods
Online course, JYU open (1 cr)
Independent study
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
Independent study (1 cr)
Independent study
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
English, Finnish