WETS1049 Stable Isotope Ecology (2–5 cr)

Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Department of Biological and Environmental Science
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


Stable isotopes analysis (SIA) is a technique finding wide application in ecological and environmental research. This course introduces the principles of SIA and illustrates its application through case studies and modelling exercises. The emphasis is on examples from aquatic studies. Students will also gain practical experience of sample preparation and analysis through a class exercise, computer models and interpretation through group work on case studies.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course students 1) should have a basic understanding of the principles of stable isotope analysis in ecology and be able to understand its use in research papers that they may read. 2) They should know what stable isotopes are, how isotope ratios are measured and how results are expressed and handled. They should also be aware of the limitations of the technique, both conceptual and practical. From practical exercises, 3) students should know how to prepare samples for analysis and be able to discuss the interpretation of the results. From modelling exercises, 4) students should be able to demonstrate an ability to analyse and interpret stable isotope data in different ecological contexts.

Description of prerequisites

Basics in R

MS Excel or other spreadsheet program 

Basics understanding of ecological systems

Study materials

Fry, B.: Stable isotope ecology, Springer, New York, NY, USA, 2006.

Peterson, B.J., & Fry, B. (1987). STABLE ISOTOPES IN ECOSYSTEM STUDIES. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 18, 293-320. 

Completion methods

Method 1

To achieve 5 ects, the student must attend lectures and exercises and prepare a coursework (no exam).
Evaluation criteria:
Lectures, activity (30%), Exercises, activity (30%), Coursework (40%)
Time of teaching:
Period 2
Select all marked parts

Method 2

To achieve 2 credits, the student must participate in the lectures and pass a written examination.
Evaluation criteria:
Lectures, activity (50%), Exam (50%)
Time of teaching:
Period 2
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

Completion of the entire course program (5 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
Evaluation criteria:
<p>Luennot, aktiivisuus (30%), harjoitukset, aktiivisuus (30%), Kurssityö (40%)</p>
English, Finnish
Study methods:

Luennot, ryhmätyöt, tietokoneharjoitukset ja itsenäinen työskentely. 

No published teaching

Attending lectures and exam only (2 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
Evaluation criteria:
<p>Luennot, aktiivisuus (30%), harjoitukset, aktiivisuus (30%), Kurssityö (40%)</p>
English, Finnish
Study methods:

Luennot ja kuulustelu

No published teaching