VENA001 Language practice (5 cr)

Study level:
Intermediate studies
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
Responsible organisation:
Department of Language and Communication Studies
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028



Improving students’ practical skills in Russian by completing intensive studies and familiarizing him/her with Russia, Russian people and Russian culture. In language practice the students will develop their skills in written and oral interaction for working life, written and oral presentation skills, study of language and cultural knowledge that support learning and mastering good interaction skills.
During the intensive period of studies students will complete the following courses of intermediate studies:
VENA205 Russian verb, VENA201 Written communication 2, VENA206 Oral communication 2, VENA301 Russian history, society and culture, VENA401 Russian literature 3 (in all 24 pts). Other courses may be included in VENS721 Optional courses in Russia.
As an obligatory part of the studies is the preparation course organized by the subject Russian language and culture: students learn to analyze theoretically interaction situations in intercultural communication and to get through them. Preparation course must be taken in spring before the studies in Russia during autumn term and students must write a final report after the language practice (at least 2-3 pages).

Completion methods

Studies at a Russian university

Optional modes of study: Russian language course in Russia or in some former Soviet Union country in Russian-speaking area (at least 4 week course) or exchange studies in Russian during one term at university in Russia or in Estonia or in Latvia and a written report gives 2 pts

At least a two-month work in Russia or in some former Soviet Union country in Russian-speaking area and a written report gives 2 pts.

Assessment details

Cerfiticate of studies and a final report or certificate of residence in Russia.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course students
- are able to communicate in Russian language in different kinds of social situations.
- are able to follow Russian media
- are able to make observations of language, culture, society and people and to deepen their linguistic and cultural knowledge

Additional information

Registration of the studies: Students should inform the subject Russian language and culture of the courses taken in Russia immediately after the period of studies in Russia in order to be able to decide on the equivalences and to register the studies

Completion methods

Method 1

Kieliharjoittelu on mahdollista suorittaa · Latviassa Aleksanteri-instituutin koordinoimalla kielikurssilla, · Erasmus-vaihto-ohjelmassa (Virossa, Latviassa, Tsekissä, Slovakiassa tai Puolassa), · osallistumalla omakustanteisesti venäjän kielikurssille (vähintään 4 viikkoa) Virossa, Latviassa, Tsekissä, Slovakiassa tai Puolassa, · oleskelemalla tai työskentelemällä venäjänkielisessä ympäristössä 2 kk ajan. Latviassa järjestettävän kieliharjoittelun aikana opiskelija suorittaa aineopintojen opintojakson VENA301 Jälkineuvostoliittolainen venäjänkielinen kulttuuri. Oppiaineen kieliharjoitteluun kuuluu pakollisena osana oppiaineen järjestämä valmennuskurssi, jossa opiskelija oppii teoreettisesti analysoimaan kulttuurienvälisiä viestintätilanteita ja suoriutumaan niistä. Valmennuskurssi suoritetaan ensimmäisen vuoden keväällä ennen ulkomaan kieliharjoittelua ja kieliharjoittelun jälkeen laaditaan loppuraportti (vähimmäispituus 2 sivua).
Evaluation criteria:
Oppimistehtävä tai todistus vaihto-opinnoista, kielikurssista, oleskelusta tai työharjoittelusta ja kieliharjoittelun raportti.
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

Participation in teaching (5 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
Evaluation criteria:
Oppimistehtävä tai todistus vaihto-opinnoista, kielikurssista, oleskelusta tai työharjoittelusta ja kieliharjoittelun raportti.
No published teaching