TJTJ7704 Information Systems Research (2 cr)

Study level:
Postgraduate studies
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
Responsible organisation:
Faculty of Information Technology
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028

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Information Systems Research


Course Description

This course focuses on information systems (IS) research and the nature of the discipline. Students will start by looking at the nature of the field. This is then followed by a critical examination and evaluation of contemporary IS research on a variety of topics, including ontology and epistemology. The idea is to give you a broad understanding of how design and conduct your own PhD research in the IS field.

Goals of the Course

The academic goal of most graduate students in the medium term is to complete a unique research project, namely their PhD dissertation. Therefore, the doctoral programme in the IS is designed to prepare students for doing research. A basic grounding in the concepts underlying research in the discipline is essential if students are to succeed in completing the doctoral programme.This course is designed to introduce doctoral students to IS research in general, but specifically to ontological and epistemological issues related to research design. In addition, students need to understand the nature of IS as a discipline and current research issues and themes.

Learning outcomes

The student will have a good knowledge and understanding of how research within the field of information systems is conducted

The student will gain competence in critiquing IS research articles published in some of the leading academic journals and conference proceedings

The student will have a good knowledge and understanding of ontological and epistemological issues related to information systems research and can apply these to their own PhD research proposal

The student will gain competence in critical thinking, and analysis and synthesis of academic sources

Additional information

No lectures will be given. The course is offered as an independent study and materials are available in the Moodle site for the course.

The course will use online only class workshop format, it is organized as an independent study course, and not as a series of lectures. Please also refer to the additional handouts about the University’s policy on plagiarism. In this course, we will use, a software application, to assess your written work. The outcome of this assessment will be taken into consideration for your final grade in the course.


Online Take Home Exam 100%

Assessment detail

The purpose of the take home exam is to familiarize the doctoral students to a wider range of knowledge in the area of information systems research, which has been covered in class. The extended reading list is provided in the appendix of this course outline. The exam will be ‘take home’ exam and it will assess how well the students have understood the given material and how they can apply the theories and concepts for a given research problem or objective. Instructions for the submission deadline etc. will be given separately during the course.

The take home exam is available in Moodle course site and it can be submitted throughout the academic year. There is no specific deadline for submission.

Description of prerequisites

It is advisable for students to have completed the research methods courses (TJTJ7701-3) and/or are in the process of completing a general philosophy of science course before enrolling to this course. TJTJ7704 is a substantive overview of research in information systems, not a research methods course. Students should also be enrolled to TJTJ7700 Postgraduate Seminar (or have completed it) during the academic year when taking TJTJ7704.

Study materials

There is no textbook as such for this course, since most of the readings are taken from IS journals and conference proceedings. The reading package is provided in the Moodle site for the students (cf. Appendix). However, students are expected to read more widely including additional articles from any recognized journal in IS. Many useful citations can also be obtained from the AIS Digital Library, the ACM Digital Library, and other bibliographic databases such as ABI/Inform, Science Direct or the Emerald Library. Many of these libraries and databases are available online from the University of Jyväskylä Library at (usually you are required to login from outside of the university network). Additional citations and resources can be found in the ISWorld Section on Research and Scholarship at

Note: You are being provided with copies of copyright materials made for educational purposes. These include extracts of copyright works copied under copyright licenses. You may not make these materials available to other persons, nor make a further copy for any other purpose. Failure to comply with the terms of this warning may expose you to legal action by a rights owner and/or disciplinary action by the University.

Completion methods

Method 1

Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

Participation in teaching (2 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
No published teaching