PSYA130 Dynamic Nature of Personality in Adulthood (5 cr)

Study level:
Intermediate studies
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Department of Psychology
Coordinating organisation:
Department of Psychology, Open University
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028

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The course deepens the understanding of personality psychology, focusing on the structure of personality and related phenomena in adulthood.


The course introduces students to the diverse theoretical approaches and concepts concerning personality, as well as to the recent research findings on personality psychology, especially from the perspective of adulthood. 

Learning outcomes

Students will be able to evaluate the similarities and differences between different personality concepts and approaches and understand their theoretical underpinnings. Students will understand and be able to describe how the fundamental dispositional traits, characteristic adaptations, and integrative life narratives (i.e., identities) interact dynamically with each other. In addition, the student will learn to perceive personality as a whole formed by its different levels, and understand the extent to which personality is characterized by stability and regularity on the one hand and change and development on the other.

Additional information

”Suoritustapa 2” (mode 2 of study) is available for foreign students visiting Jyväskylä University only. Course can be used as a part of CIPA module only if not included as a part of another study module such as “Psykologian aineopinnot”.

Description of prerequisites

Basic studies in psychology

Study materials

  • McAdams, D. P., Shiner, R. L. & Tackett, J. L. (2019) Handbook of Personality Development AND/OR

  • learning materials to be announced in the annual curriculum, such as lectures, textbook(s), article collection, video recordings, etc. or different combinations of these. 

Completion methods

Method 1

Osallistuminen luennoille, itsenäinen perehtyminen opintojakson materiaaleihin ja oppimispäiväkirjan TAI tentin tekeminen.
Evaluation criteria:
Opintojakso arvioidaan oppimispäiväkirjaan TAI tenttiin perustuen asteikolla 0-5.
Time of teaching:
Period 2, Period 5
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Method 2

Independent familiarization with the course literature and other possible material, which will be the subject of a learning diary OR an exam.
Evaluation criteria:
The course is assessed based on a learning diary OR exam on a scale of 0-5.
Time of teaching:
Period 3, Period 4
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

PSYA130 Course in Finnish (5 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
Evaluation criteria:
<p>Opintojakso arvioidaan oppimispäiväkirjaan TAI tenttiin perustuen asteikolla 0-5. </p>
English, Finnish
Study methods:

Osallistuminen luennoille, itsenäinen perehtyminen opintojakson materiaaleihin ja oppimispäiväkirjan TAI tentin tekeminen.

No published teaching

PSYA130 Course in English (5 cr)

Independent study
Grading scale:
Evaluation criteria:
<p>The course is assessed based on a learning diary OR exam on a scale of 0-5.&nbsp;</p>
English, Finnish
Study methods:
Independent familiarization with the course literature and other possible material, which will be the subject of a learning diary OR an exam.  
No published teaching