OKLS4305 Maturity Exam for Master's Degree (0 cr)

Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
Finnish, Swedish
Responsible organisation:
Department of Teacher Education
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028



The maturity test is a demonstration of a student’s familiarity with the subject matter of the thesis written for the degree, as well as of command of academic writing style. At the same time, students who have completed their school education in Finnish or Swedish demonstrate their excellent language skills in the language of their school education.

Students who have demonstrated their Finnish or Swedish proficiency in the maturity test for a bachelor’s degree do not need to demonstrate their language proficiency for a master’s degree completed in the same language.

As a rule, the maturity test is completed in English in English-medium degree programmes. An exception are students who have completed their school education in Finnish or Swedish but have not demonstrated their skills in the aforementioned languages through the maturity test of their bachelor’s degree. These students complete their maturity test in the language of their school education. Students who have completed their school education in a language other than Finnish or Swedish can complete their maturity test in Finnish or Swedish, if they have sufficient skills in these languages, or in English.

The content of the maturity test is assessed by a representative of the discipline, and the language is assessed by a reviser approved by the Language Centre. If a student has demonstrated his or her Finnish or Swedish skills in the maturity test of the bachelor’s degree, the maturity test of the master’s degree can be assessed for both content and language by a representative of the discipline.

For students who complete their maturity test in a language other than their language of school education or mother tongue, familiarity with the subject of the thesis and command of academic writing style are emphasised in assessment.

Completion methods

Students complete a maturity test for both bachelor's and master's degrees.

1. The maturity test for a bachelor’s degree:

A reflective, essay-type expert text written in an exam. The renewed maturity test is written as part of the Research Reporting course of the Language Centre.

2. The maturity test for a master’s degree when a student has not demonstrated his or her language skills in the maturity test of a bachelor’s degree completed in the same language:

A reflective, essay-type expert text written in an exam.

3. The maturity test for a master’s degree when a student has demonstrated his or her language skills in the maturity test for a bachelor’s degree completed in the same language:

If a student has demonstrated his or her language skills in the maturity test for a bachelor’s degree, the abstract of the master’s thesis serves as the maturity test for the master’s degree.

Assessment details

The successful completion of the maturity test requires a passing grade in both content and language.

Learning outcomes

In the maturity test, the student
- demonstrates familiarity with the subject of the thesis
- demonstrates Finnish or Swedish proficiency

Completion methods

Method 1

Valitse suoritustapa 1, jos olet osoittanut kielitaitosi alempaa korkeakoulututkintoa varten annetussa kypsyysnäytteessä.
Evaluation criteria:
Kypsyysnäytteen hyväksytty suorittaminen edellyttää, että kypsyysnäyte hyväksytään niin sisällön kuin kieliasun puolesta. Suoritustavassa 1 kypsyysnäytteen tarkistaa niin sisällön kuin kieliasun osalta oppiaineen edustaja.
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Method 2

Valitse suoritustapa 2, jos alempaan korkeakoulututkintoon annetussa kypsyysnäytteessä ei ole tehty kielentarkastusta (esim. alempi tutkinto tehty ulkomailla). Katso lisätietoa MoVin nettisivustolta.
Evaluation criteria:
Kypsyysnäytteen hyväksytty suorittaminen edellyttää, että kypsyysnäyte hyväksytään niin sisällön kuin kieliasun puolesta. Suoritustavassa 2 kypsyysnäytteen sisällön arvioi oppiaineen edustaja ja kieliasun tarkistaa Monikielisen akateemisen viestinnän (Movi) keskuksen hyväksymä kielentarkastaja.
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Parts of the completion methods

Teaching (0 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
No published teaching

Language Checking (0 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
Finnish, Swedish
No published teaching