NANS1006 Practical Course in Nanoscience, Molecular Interactions (6 cr)

Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Department of Biological and Environmental Science, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Department of Chemistry
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028

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Practical course in laboratory


In this course several advanced nano-sized systems are provided and their properties are studied with various experimental methods. Each theme contains a short introduction lecture after which laboratory work is followed for 1-4 days. The most of the nano-sized systems are provided either by means of supramolecular chemical or nanobiological methods. The last day of the week is assigned for data-analysis. Each course block contains exam questions which need to be fulfilled. A seminar-day is organized where the laboratory works are discussed one more time. 

Learning outcomes

After passing this course the student can work in physics, chemistry and biology laboratory and they can provide molecules used in nanoscience by using techniques from biological nanoscience, supramolecular chemistry and nanophysics. After the course the student can characterize nano-materials by nanoscientific characterization tools. After the course the student can interpret the obtained results and is able to report the results in a clear manner. 

Description of prerequisites

  • Some laboratory experience is required for the course.

  • NANA1003 Nanoscience Tools, 4 cr (or previous course NANA1002 Nanoscience Tools 2 cr) or equivalent knowledge.

Completion methods

Method 1

Evaluation criteria:
Lectures, labworks, reports and seminars
Time of teaching:
Period 3, Period 4
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

Participation in teaching (6 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
No published teaching