LTKJ1006 Laboratory seminar of the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences (1–2 cr)

Study level:
Postgraduate studies
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
Responsible organisation:
Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028



The seminars highlight the research carried out in the laboratories of the Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences and provides understanding on the versatile research methodologies. The emphasis is on laboratory measurements and their analyses regarding physiological functions throughout the body as well as cell- and molecular level mechanisms. In addition, for example, the measurement of physical activity or various genome-wide methods can be discussed. The topics vary according to the current topics of the presenting research groups. Research presentations should assess how the presented methods are suitable for the research problem in question. The presentations and discussions on them may consider possible ways to expand the methods or new forms of cooperation. The curriculum for each season will be updated on the seminar website:

The course can be completed in 1 or 2 credits:
  • 1 cr: 1 own presentation in English + active participation in at least 10 seminar sessions (a ’1h)
  • 2 cr: 1 own lecture in English + active participation in at least 20 seminars OR 2 own lectures in English + active participation in at least 10 seminars.
The seminars will be held in English.

Learning outcomes

After completing the cource, the student …

  • knows a wide range of physiological and molecular biological measurement and research methods used in the sports and health sciences and their applications
  • is able to critically evaluate the suitability of different methods for research in sports and health sciences and the possible sources of error in them for different research topics or design
  • is able to follow and participate in a scientific discussion in English
  • is able to have a structured expert presentation in English

Additional information

Seminars are open to staff and students of the Faculty of Physical Education. In order to receive a credit, a participant must have the right for postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Sport and Health Science and must register for the course in Sisu. Discuss with your PhD supervisor about your topic and possibility to present it in the seminar and contact Eija Laakkonen ( to include your own presentation to the schedule. Presentations for the next season will be agreed in the spring before the end of the previous season's seminars.

Completion methods

Method 1

Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

Participation in teaching (1–2 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
Study methods:

Seminaarit pidetään englanniksi.

No published teaching