KYBS3080 Cyber Security Management and Management (5 cr)

Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Faculty of Information Technology
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028

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Opi kyberturvallisuuden strategisesta johtamisesta ja hallinnasta eri ympäristöissä. Syvennä osaamistasi kyberympäristön olemuksesta.



In pursuance of advancing students’ scientific understanding on information security management and IS security, the course TJTSM56 continues course TJTSM51 (Information Security Management). Course TJTSM51 (Information Security Management) laid down the foundations for evidence-based understanding on the practice of information security management. While TJTSM56 continues the theme of information security management, it also widens the perspective, from information security management in general and information security managers in particular, towards research in the Information Systems Security. At the same time, the course is aimed at adopting a research-oriented approach.

The course is at Master’ level. The goal of the Master’ program is to design and implement a research project, namely Master’s thesis. A graduate program needs, therefore, develop skills necessary to carry out such research endeavor. This course is designed to introduce key IS security research themes through examples in the Information systems Security literature. In the course, students need to read and understand the IS security literature. Though understanding and writing an research essay on an existing Information Systems security research topic, the course should help students in designing Master’s thesis at the end of their Master’s program.

Learning outcomes

1) Student will have a necessary knowledge and understanding of key contemporary research issues within the field of information systems security

2) Students will acquire basic competence in critically evaluating IS security research articles.

3) Students will learn how to write a conceptual argumentative literature review on an IS security research topic

4) Students will obtain experience in verbally presenting logical and rational arguments.

Description of prerequisites

Opintojaksolla oletetaan, että opiskelija on suorittanut vähintään alemman korkeakoulututkinnon tai sitä vastaavan tutkinnon, esimerkiksi ammattikorkeakoulututkinnon.

Study materials

Opintojakson kirjallisuus ja muu oppimateriaali voi vaihdella toteutuksittain.

Completion methods

Method 1

Opintojakso voidaan suorittaa läsnä olevana tai etänä. Suoritus edellyttää luentoihin osallistumista/luentotallenteiden katsomista, sekä muiden suoritusten (esimerkiksi tehtävät, oppimispäiväkirja, tutkimusraportti yms.) tekemistä. Nämä opintojakson aikaiset suoritukset muodostavat opiskelijan kokonaissuorituksen.
Evaluation criteria:
Arviointi perustuu tutkimusraportin arviointiin. Arvostelu: • Puutteellinen asian käsittely: 1 • Vain luentojen toistoa: 2 • Omia näkemyksiä: 3 • Omaa syvää analyysiä ja laajaa tiedonhankintaa: 4 • Uutta luovaa ajattelua: 5
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Participation in teaching (5 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
No published teaching