KUMA021 Art, culture and civil society (5 cr)

Study level:
Intermediate studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Department of History and Ethnology
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


The course examines the civic activities of culture, cultural heritage, movements and dimensions of participation. In addition, the course discusses the role of cultural and art organizations as actors in the field of culture and art as a non-profit business.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student will:

  • understand the role of organizations and civil society as actors in the cultural sector

  • identify the relationships between the field of organizations and public administration in cross-sector cooperation

  • understand the role of culture and art as a channel for social influence and participation

Additional information

Independent study through a written assignement. Contact teaching may be organized in some years.

Study materials

  • Moilanen, Peltokoski, Pirkkalainen & Toivanen: uusi osuuskunta

  • Mäenpää & Faehnle (2021) Neljäs sektori – Kuinka kaupunkiaktivismi haastaa hallinnon, muuttaa markkinat ja laajentaa demokratiaa.

  • Volont, Lijster & Gielen. 2022 The rise of the common city: On the culture of commoning

  • Meade, Rosie & Shaw, Mae (2021): Arts, Culture and Community Development 

Completion methods

Method 1

For independent completion, the student should choose three books from the list.
Evaluation criteria:
The grading scale in all completion modes will be numerical: 0-5. The grade will be based on the evaluation of the assignments that measure the extent to which the learning goals have been achieved. In courses organized in the form of contact teaching, completion requires 80% attendance. For independent learning, completion of the unit requires that written assignments are completed and approved by the instructor in charge.
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Method 2

Taught course.
Evaluation criteria:
The grading scale in all completion modes will be numerical: 0-5. The grade will be based on the evaluation of the assignments that measure the extent to which the learning goals have been achieved. In courses organized in the form of contact teaching, completion requires 80% attendance. For independent learning, completion of the unit requires that written assignments are completed and approved by the instructor in charge.
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Parts of the completion methods

Independent study (5 cr)

Independent study
Grading scale:
No published teaching

Participation in teaching (5 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
No published teaching