KEMS6180 Raw Materials' Recovery Chemistry: Biomass Refining (3 cr)
Learning outcomes
Working life skills
After completing the course the student is familiar with different recovery techniques and understands their application in the recovery of different raw materials. The student is familiar with the terminology related to biomass processing and is able to discuss the subject competently. The student also understands how different products and energy are produced on a biomass basis. The student will be able to plan a presentation and stay on schedule.
Additional information
The course is lectured every other year in English and can be examined in Finnish or English every other year: lectured in academic years 2024-2025 and 2026-2027.
Description of prerequisites
Intermediate Studies in Chemistry
Compulsory prerequisites
- Prerequisite group 1
- Prerequisite group 2
- Prerequisite group 3
Study materials
- Material distributed during lectures
- R. Alén (toim.), Chemistry for Biomass Utilization, 2023, De Gruyter; ISBN 978-311-0608-34-2
Completion methods
Method 1
Method 2
Participation in teaching (3 cr)
Lectures, exam and presentation.
Exam + essay (3 cr)
Exam and essay. If you want to take exam in English, please contact the teacher.