KEMP1111 Chemical Reaction (5 cr)
Study level:
Basic studies
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Department of Chemistry
Coordinating organisation:
Open University, Department of Chemistry
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028
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The course offers an introduction to chemistry, its basic concepts and ideas including chemical compounds, their properties, and reactions.
The course will discuss:
- scientific approach,
- elements and chemical compounds,
- periodic table,
- mole and stoichiometry,
- chemical reactions in aqueous solutions,
- oxidation-reduction reactions,
- chemical changes and energy,
- properties of gases,
- intermolecular interactions,
- composition and properties of liquids and solids.
Learning outcomes
A student who has successfully completed the course can:
- explain and use the key concepts and terms of chemistry discussed in the course,
- classify and name simple chemical compounds,
- describe the structures and properties of simple liquids, gases and solids,
- solve basic chemistry problems related to the concept of the mole, stoichiometry, concentration, acids and bases, oxidation numbers, thermochemistry, gases and solutions.
In addition to subject knowledge, the student practices, develops and/or strengthens general working life skills, such as:
- understanding of the importance of critical thinking in the natural sciences,
- language and communication skills,
- analysis and problem-solving skills,
- time management and directing one's own activities,
- self-knowledge and resilience.
Description of prerequisites
At least compulsory high school chemistry studies or similar knowledge.
Degree students are recommended to complete the chemistry part of the MTKY1020 Orientation to Science before or simultaneously with the course KEMP1111.
Study materials
Course book and other written material that may be distributed during the course.
- Neil D. Jespersen & Alison Hyslop, Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter, International Adaptation, 8th Edition, Wiley, 2022. ISBN: 978-1-119-82065-9
Completion methods
Method 1
Evaluation criteria:
To successfully complete the course (grade 1/5), at least 50 % of the course's maximum points are required. Points can be obtained by completing assignments during the course and from final exam or midterm exams.
Time of teaching:
Period 1
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Method 2
Evaluation criteria:
To successfully complete the course (grade 1/5), at least 50 % of the maximum points of the final exam are required.
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Parts of the completion methods
Participation in teaching (5 cr)
Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
Study methods:
Luentoja, harjoitustehtäviä ja välikokeet/tentti.
Exam (5 cr)
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
Study methods:
If you want to complete the exam in English, please contact the teacher in advance.