JSBP9120 Basics of Marketing and Sale (LITO) (5 cr)

Study level:
Basic studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026

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Basics of Marketing and Sales (LITO) is designed for students that are not majoring in business sciences.


  • Key marketing concepts, definitions and phenomena now and before
  • Understanding these concepts in diverse contexts: The differences between consumer logic and business-to-business logic
  • Customer-centred thinking and value creation
  • Customer-oriented strategy in a changing business environment
  • Key concepts and phenomena in consumer marketing
  • Business-to-business marketing and organisational buying behaviour
  • Marketing communication channels and content
  • Sales processes in consumer and business-to-business contexts, as well as personal sales and interaction skills at different phases of sales processes

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • describe the role of marketing in an organisation and identify the significance of customer orientation in both the development of the organisation and personal actions
  • apply the key concepts of marketing (e.g. customer-perceived value, the value creation process, the brand, the marketing mix and segmentation) in decision-making and evaluate decisions
  • describe the diverse emphases of business-to-business marketing and consumer marketing, and the key characteristics of both logics
  • identify and utilise key marketing communication channels in the fickle business environment
  • understand sales processes in their entirety, the different parts of them in both consumer and business-to-business sales.

In addition to core marketing skills, the course develops working life skills, such as

  • problem-solving and project management skills
  • critical thinking / information assessment skills
  • the analysis and application of information
  • the utilisation digital platforms
  • written and oral expression.

Additional information

The literature is mainly in English. Students may submit their assignments either in Finnish or English.

The latest information about the course is updated and published at www.lito.fi.

Transfer of student information

LITO courses are organised in co-operation with multiple universities. To receive credits for the courses, students must be granted the right to attend the courses for which they have registered from the host university. To grant the right to attend a course (or courses), the home university will transfer personal student information to the host university responsible for organising the course. The data to be transferred includes the student’s surname, first name, possible middle name(s), gender, nationality, e-mail address, personal identification number and home university. If a student does not have a Finnish personal identification number, his/her date of birth will be transferred. Data classified as secret will not be transferred. Receiving credit for the course(s) is not possible without transferring personal student information.

Description of prerequisites

There are no prerequisites.

Study materials

The instructors will specify the literature at the beginning of the course.

Completion methods

Method 1

Verkkokurssi. Verkkokurssin suoritustavat tarkennetaan opetusohjelmassa. Kurssi suoritetaan teemoitetuilla viikkotehtävillä. Arviointi asteikolla 1–5/hylätty.
Evaluation criteria:
Opintojaksolla vaaditut hyväksytyt suoritukset. Arviointiperusteet tarkennetaan opetusohjelmassa.
Time of teaching:
Period 3, Period 4
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

Independent study (5 cr)

Independent study
Grading scale:
No published teaching