IHMJ3202 Qualitative research 2 (3–5 cr)

Study level:
Postgraduate studies
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
Responsible organisation:
Faculty of Education and Psychology
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


This classroom-based course, the second of two core qualitative research courses offered by IHME, builds upon the exploration of research design elements in qualitative studies. This course specifically focuses on advanced analytic strategies, assessing research quality, and adhering to reporting standards. Understanding the underlying philosophical assumptions and aligning them with your research is essential to developing a methodologically coherent study. [Please note that paradigmatic philosophical assumptions, methods, and interview data collection strategies are the focus of QR1]. The primary aim of this course is to facilitate learning about how metatheoretical assumptions influence data analysis and the evaluation of research quality.

Pre-course assignment: Please provide a one-page (A4, excluding references) summary of your research interests, including the research tradition or genre that frames your work, the data collection strategies you have employed, how you commonly communicate your research, and what led you to enrol in this course. Additionally, please outline the goals expected to be achieved by taking this course. If you are currently in the process of analysing your data and/or writing up your findings, you may consider taking this course for 5 ECTS. Please, indicate your interest in the pre-assignment.

The pre-course assignment should be sent by email to Dr Ryba (tatiana.ryba@jyu.fi). Please remember to include your name on the completed assignment and write the course code IHMJ3112 as the subject of your email.

Course placement is contingent upon the completion of a pre-course assignment. Enrolled students are required to submit the pre-assignment by a specific deadline.  

Learning outcomes

1. Identify and critically analyze the philosophical assumptions that underlie qualitative research designs and their implications for data analyses.
2. Analyze and interpret qualitative data using rigorous and systematic approaches, such as thematic analysis.

3. Apply meta-theoretical assumptions to guide and inform the process of data analysis in qualitative research.

4. Develop skills in effectively communicating and reporting research findings in a methodologically coherent and transparent manner.

5. Demonstrate an understanding of how research quality is evaluated in qualitative studies and the importance of adhering to rigorous standards.

6. Demonstrate knowledge of reporting standards and guidelines for qualitative research, including proper documentation and transparency.

7. Apply ethical considerations and principles to ensure the integrity and credibility of qualitative research studies.

Additional information

Learning environment: We will create a collaborative learning community through interactive contact teaching, individual and small group work, and peer interaction and reflection. Everyone is welcome to be challenged and validated, whether they are doing mainstream research or experimenting with innovative methods. All group members are expected to actively participate and take responsibility for their own learning, as well as contributing to the learning of their peers. Course prerequisites: Qualitative Research 1 (IHMJ 3111) or basic qualitative methods courses.

Study materials

Learning material: will be shared on Nextcloud
Literature: Please read this paper prior to the course: Levitt et al. 2018. Journal Article Reporting Standards for Qualitative Primary, Qualitative Meta-Analytic, and Mixed Methods Research in Psychology: The APA Publications and Communications Board Task Force Report. Available at https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/releases/amp-amp0000151.pdf 

Completion methods

Method 1

Evaluation criteria:
Completion is assessed on the basis of the student's mastery of the course content and achievement of the course objectives. To obtain an approved grade, the assignments must be completed successfully. If the completion method includes contact teaching, active participation in the teaching and successful completion of any other tasks indicated in the teaching is also required.
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Participation in teaching (3–5 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
No published teaching