HISS2024 History of Society and Social History II (5 cr)
Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Department of History and Ethnology
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028
Opintojaksolla syvennytään yhteiskunta- ja sosiaalihistorian lähestymistapoihin. Jaksolla opitaan analysoimaan ja tulkitsemaan sosiaalisia ja yhteiskunnallisia ilmiötä.
Learning outcomes
On completion of the course, the student will
- is familiar with the main trends in social history and history of society studies and has a deeper knowledge of at least one trend in these studies
- be able to compare phenomena in social history and history of society from a transnational perspective
- be able to explain the gendered nature of phenomena from different perspectives
- can compare the main methods of social history and history of society and understand their importance in the interpretation of phenomena
- can interpret social and societal phenomena critically in the context of the period in which they occurred
- have developed skills in the independent search for information and knowledge
- have acquired skills in analysing knowledge and have developed the ability to grasp broad issues
- have developed their communication and argumentation skills
- can, after careful preparation, engage in analytical scientific debate
- have gained experience of working life skills by planning their own activities and time management
Study materials
The teaching materials for contact teaching and independent work consist of source materials typical of historical research and literature to be specified.
Completion methods
Method 1
Contact teaching: participation in class (+ written assignments and/or lecture-exam).
Evaluation criteria:
For all modes of delivery, a numerical grade on a scale of 0-5. The grade is based on the assessment of performance against the competence objectives.
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Method 2
Independent work: completion of learning tasks agreed with the responsible teacher.
Evaluation criteria:
For all modes of delivery, a numerical grade on a scale of 0-5. The grade is based on the assessment of performance against the competence objectives.
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Parts of the completion methods
Participation in teaching (5 cr)
Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
Independent study (5 cr)
Independent study
Grading scale:
English, Finnish