HISA1021 Pre-industrial societies I (5 cr)
Study level:
Intermediate studies
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Department of History and Ethnology
Coordinating organisation:
Open University, Department of History and Ethnology
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028
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The course introduces approaches to the study of preindustrial societies and the understanding of a wide range of phenomena, also in the long term.
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student will
- be familiar with the main approaches to research in different subject areas
- understand the significance of the changing timeframe and perspectives of thematic research
- be able to examine social and economic developments and structures and changes in them from a variety of perspectives
- have developed her/his ability to manage big picture issues and to analyse data
- can identify and use a variety of sources relating to the period and draw conclusions from them that are relevant to the researchStudy materials
Select books to complete 5 credits:
- Aatelin historia Suomessa. Toim. J. Haikari, M. Hakanen, A. Lahtinen & A. Snellman. Siltala 2020 (1 op).
- Bringing the People Back In. State Building from Below in the Nordic Countries ca. 1500-1800. Toim. Knut Dørum, Mats Hallenberg & Kimmo Katajala. Routledge 2023 (2 op)
- Haikari, Janne, Isännän, Jumalan ja rehellisten miesten edessä (2009) (1 op)
- Holm, Johan, Hallenberg, Mats, Man ur huse : hur krig, upplopp och förhandlingar påverkade svensk statsbildning i tidigmodern tid (2017) (2op)
- Kietäväinen-Sirén, Hanna, Erityinen ystävyys - miehen ja naisen välinen rakkaus uuden ajan alun Suomessa (n. 1650-1700) (2015) (1 op)
- Kirkko, papisto ja yhteiskunta 1600 – 1800. Toim. E. Viitaniemi. SKS 2023 (1 op)
- Koskinen, Ulla (ed.), Aggressive and Violent Peasant Elites in the Nordic Countries, C. 1500-1700 (2016) (1 op)
- Private/Public in 18th-century Scandinavia. Toim. Sari Nauman & Helle Vogt. Bloomsbury Academic 2021 (1 op).
Completion methods
Method 1
Participation in lessons and completion of related written assignments
Evaluation criteria:
Regardless of the mode of delivery of the unit, a numerical grade on a scale of 0 to 5. The grade is based on the assessment of performance against the competence objectives. Contact teaching requires participation in the classroom and the successful completion of the assigned tasks. In the case of independent study, successful completion of the assignments is a prerequisite.
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Method 2
e-examination on literature
Evaluation criteria:
Regardless of the mode of delivery of the unit, a numerical grade on a scale of 0 to 5. The grade is based on the assessment of performance against the competence objectives. Contact teaching requires participation in the classroom and the successful completion of the assigned tasks. In the case of independent study, successful completion of the assignments is a prerequisite.
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Parts of the completion methods
Participation in teaching (5 cr)
Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
Exam (5 cr)
Grading scale: