FYSP1020 Waves and Thermodynamics (5 cr)
Oscillatory motion, harmonic oscillator, pendulums
Fluid mechanics, hydrostatic pressure, lift, Bernoulli’s principle
Propagating and standing waves, interference, sound waves
Temperature, heat, heat capacity
Ideal gas equation, kinetic gas theory
Thermodynamic processes, laws of thermodynamics
Heat engines, coolers, Carnot cycle
Learning outcomes
After the course students will be able to
Recognize the condition for the harmonic oscillator and apply the dynamics of the oscillatory motion in 1D.
Solve simple static and dynamic problems for ideal, laminar flow fluids.
Apply the principle of superposition for transverse and longitudinal waves in one and two dimensions.
Name the laws of thermodynamics, the key processes of thermodynamics and apply them to analyzing heat engines.
Name the thermodynamic properties of the ideal gas and solids and to explain their microscopic basis.
Interpret simple well documented computer programs and modify them to solve a given problem.
Act in a constructive way and perform group and self-evaluation
Description of prerequisites
FYSP1010 Introduction to mechanics
Study materials
Online material and Youtube (opi fysiikkaa channel) videos
- Randall D. Knight. Physics for Scientists and Engineers - A Strategic Approach with Modern Physics. ISBN 978-0-13-394265-1. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education, 2017.; ISBN: 978-0-13-394265-1
Completion methods
Method 1
Method 2
Method 3
Teaching (5 cr)
Independent study (5 cr)
Itsenäisesti viikoittain tehtävät harjoitustehtävät ja oppimispäiväkirja sekä projektityöt ja itsearviointi kurssin lopuksi.
Harjoitustehtävät palautetaan kirjallisina ja ne arvostellaan.
Independent study (5 cr)
Itsenäinen opiskelu (kurssikirja, videot), erikseen sovitut harjoitustehtävät ja suullinen kuulustelu.