FYSP1010 Introduction to Mechanics (5 cr)
Description of motion and forces with vectors
Newton’s laws of motion
Principles of momentum and angular momentum
Principles of energy
Newton’s law of gravity
Contents of mathematics and numerics: vectors, differentiation, one and multi-dimesional integration, use of simple numeric programs in physics.
Learning outcomes
After the course students will be able to
Describe the motion of a point-like object, analyze and model the forces, make reasonable assumptions and formulate and solve the equation of motion as well as assess the solution
Apply the conservation of momentum and energy in multi-particle problems and make use of concepts of work and potential energy in problems.
Analyze statics of rigid bodies as wells as dynamics of symmetric, rotating and rolling bodies.
Apply Newton’s laws of motion for celestial mechanics.
Interpret simple well documented computer programs and modify them to solve a given problem.
Act in a constructive way and perform group and self-evaluation
Description of prerequisites
Compulsory program of the longer curriculum of high school mathematics or similar knowhow.
Study materials
Online material and Youtube (opi fysiikkaa channel) videos
- Randall D. Knight. Physics for Scientists and Engineers - A Strategic Approach with Modern Physics. ISBN 978-0-13-394265-1. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education, 2017.; ISBN: 978-0-13-394265-1
Completion methods
Method 1
Method 2
Method 3
Teaching (5 cr)
Independent study (5 cr)
Itsenäisesti viikoittain tehtävät harjoitustehtävät ja oppimispäiväkirja sekä projektityöt ja itsearviointi kurssin lopuksi.
Harjoitustehtävät palautetaan kirjallisina ja ne arvostellaan.
Independent study (5 cr)
Itsenäinen opiskelu (kurssikirja, videot), erikseen sovitut harjoitustehtävät ja suullinen kuulustelu.