EKIA3002 Digital Games and Language Learning (5 cr)

Study level:
Intermediate studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Department of Language and Communication Studies
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028

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This course explores the potential of digital games for language learning and teaching from both research-oriented and practical perspectives.


This course explores how different aspects of games and gaming can be utilized in language learning and teaching. It presents a theoretical framework for discussing research in this area and introduces perspectives for applying knowledge of games in designing materials and lesson plans.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course the student will be able to

  • show an understanding of the main directions of research and practice focusing on digital games and technology-enhanced language learning and teaching,

  • analyze how features of game design, play activity, gaming discourses and communities may influence learning,

  • compare and evaluate specific games and their potential for classroom use, and

  • demonstrate ability to apply principles of game-informed learning and teaching to meet specific language learning objectives.

Compulsory prerequisites

Recommended prerequisites


  • Reinhardt, J. (2018). Gameful Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Learning: Theory, Research, and Practice. Cham: Palgrave Mcmillan.

Completion methods

Method 1

This course is completed through independent study based on a set of readings, materials and assignments in Moodle.
Evaluation criteria:
The assessment is based on a set of reading tasks and course assignments, where students need to reflect on and apply perspectives introduced in the materials.
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Parts of the completion methods

Independent study (5 cr)

Independent study
Grading scale:
No published teaching