CMBS5036 Literature examination related to Master's thesis (5 cr)
Written examination on material agreed with the professor and student. Normally about 400 pages of advanced text book material or review articles. Note that the page number of articles reflects four pages of book material and in the case of mathematical equations the page limit can be even lower. Exam should be done prior starting the Master’s thesis project.
Learning outcomes
- has good theoretical/methodological knowledge to start the Master’s thesis work
- has broaden the perspective around the topic of the Master’s thesis
Additional information
General Instructions for the learning diary
1. First describe the material used (can be list or Table of Content).
2. Reflect you thoughts before starting to study the material. Why did you choose this material? Why are the subjects important? What do you want to learn from this material particularly? What are the weak points of your skills related to the material?
3. Use your own subtitles to describe the material. Try the restrict the number of subtitles to less than 10. Under each subtitle shortly describe what were the most important consepts, did something change your own understanding, what was suprising or conflickting. It is also good to write shortly what is still not known or understood among the scientific community.
4. What are your thought after studying the material. What were the most important things you learned. Would you organize your report in some other way if you would start now?
The recommended length of the learning diary is 20-30 typed pages.
5. Return the work to Moodle in pdf-format with name Own_Name_CMBS5036.pdf. Send a message to the responsible professor that you have returned the work.
Study materials
Material agreed with the master thesis supervisor after which approved by the professor of the study branch.
Completion methods
Method 1
Method 2
Independent study, eExam (5 cr)
Independent study, learning diary (5 cr)
Learning diary.