BISA1920 Bachelor's Thesis (10 cr)
A bachelor's thesis is a written manuscript that contains approximately 20-30 pages. Completing the bachelor's thesis is scheduled for the third year of the BIS studies in the spring. Entry criteria for the seminar are that there should be approximately 120 credits in the study register. Writing the bachelor's thesis is supported by the bachelor thesis seminar meetings, in which argumentation styles, presentation techniques, academic writing, and citation techniques are presented.
Learning outcomes
During the bachelor thesis process, students learn to search for information, read academic literature (e.g., scientific articles), and report findings based on research data. After completing the bachelor's thesis, the student can plan, implement, and report a thesis. Students learn how to evaluate the scientific text of the field, create conclusions from the information gathered, and report it as a bachelor-level thesis.
Study materials
Relevant scientific literature related to your research topic.