BISA1160 New Business Creation (5 cr)

Study level:
Intermediate studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics
Coordinating organisation:
Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics
Curriculum periods:
2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


The course introduces students to the driving force of new business creation: innovation. The course begins with an introduction to the concept of innovation and addresses its role in business. Adopting the innovation management perspective, the course guides the students through the innovation process. Covering each step from idea creation, screening, and evaluation to the formal innovation development, and finally the implementation of innovations, the course addresses the components, complexities, and challenges related to each step. Both strategic (what and why) and managerial and organizational (how) aspects are addressed.
The course content relates to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 9 “Industry, innovation and infrastructure: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
1. describe and discuss the role of innovation in new business creation
2. define and give an account of the different stages of the innovation process
3. assess and reflect upon challenges related to the organization of innovation work at different stages of the innovation process
4. contribute to both strategic and organizational levels of innovation management.

Study materials

A collection of reading materials assigned by the lecturer.

Completion methods

Method 1

The course is a contact teaching course. Evaluation is based on a final exam.
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods
Unpublished assessment item