KEMPER Basic Studies in Chemistry (25+ cr)

Study level:
Basic studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Department of Chemistry
Coordinating organisation:
Department of Chemistry, Open University
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028
Elective studies:
Requires application:

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Perusopinnot suoritettuasi osaat keskustella modernin kemian sovellettavuudesta monille tieteenaloille ja vaikutuksesta arkipäivän elämään.


Basic studies in Chemistry includes lectures and exercises as well as independent work. In basic studies, students learn the basics of all areas of chemistry and gain basic knowledge in chemistry. The lectures and exercises will cover for example the basic concepts of chemistry, naming compounds, balancing reaction equations, chemical bonding and intermolecular interactions, basic structures of biomolecules, reaction kinetics and chemical equilibrium, structure of periodic table, electrochemistry and thermochemistry, and organic compounds. Basic studies give students the ability to continue their studies in chemistry.

Learning outcomes

After completing the basic studies, the student is able to discuss the applicability of modern chemistry to many disciplines and impact on everyday life. The student is able to under supervision utilize their knowledge of chemical substances and structures for the needs of working life. The student is familiar with the presence and differentiation of elements and basic compounds. His teamwork and problem solving skills have improved.

After completing the basic studies the student can

  • Explain basic concepts of chemistry and name compounds.
  • Analyze the properties of elements on the grounds of periodic table.
  • Describe the types of chemical binding.
  • Represent the structures of atoms and chemical compounds.
  • Write reaction equations for basic reactions.
  • Identify the most common functional groups of compounds and their most common reaction types and to evaluate the physical and chemical properties of the compounds.
  • Describe the basics of thermal and electrochemical things, chemical equilibrium and reaction kinetics, as well as do the related calculation and modeling.


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