FYSJAT Postgraduate Studies (40+ cr)

Study level:
Postgraduate studies
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
Responsible organisation:
Department of Physics
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028
Elective studies:


The requirements for the doctoral degree in Physics are the doctoral thesis and 40 ECTS credits of the following:

  1. Discipline specific courses and exams (min 17 cr)

  2. Research ethics and open science (min 2 cr) and communication skills (min 2 cr)

  3. Scientific conferences and summer schools etc. (max 10 cr)

  4. Practical research related work and project work (max 10 cr)

  5. Supervised university teaching (max 10 cr)

Doctoral studies must include at least 17 credits of discipline-specific studies at advanced or postgraduate level.

The compulsory studies in research ethics and open science are primarily completed with the course FYSJ9900 Research ethics and open science for physicists and chemists (2 cr).

The compulsory studies in communication skills (min 2 cr) are primarily completed with the courses offered by Movi for doctoral studens (XDOC-, please see https://www.jyu.fi/en/for-students/instructions-for-doctoral-students/doctoral-studies/research-communication-courses-at-movi-for-doctoral-students) (opens in a new window).

Possible substituting studies must be agreed upon separately (please contact the doctoral student advisor at the department).

The following courses are strongly recommended for all students of the doctoral programme in physics: FYSJ9920 Scientific Conferences and Schools (1-10 cr), FYSJ9950 Practical Research and Project Work (1-10 op), FYSJ9980 Supervised Teaching in the University (1-10 cr).

The requirements for a licentiate degree are otherwise the same as for a doctorate, but the dissertation (doctoral thesis) is replaced by a licentiate thesis.

Learning outcomes

After completing the PhD the doctor has a strong knowledge of the field of science, marked ability to search, critically evaluate, produce, present and apply knowledge, versatile skills in problem-solving and further development of methodology. The doctor has experience in working in groups and projects, teaching experience and practical ability to work as a professional in research institutions, industry and elsewhere in society.

Discipline-specific skills

  • deep understanding of one’s field of science
  • understanding of one’s subject of research and its significance
  • knowledge of other fields related to one’s own research

Research skills of the field

  • theoretical and experimental methods
  • publishing of research results
  • project management and collaboration skills
  • research ethics and open sciene
Communication skills
  • scientific written and oral communication
  • strong language skills related to one’s own field of science

Teaching skills

  • supervised teaching and teaching development
  • guidance and instruction of younger researhers


Select all (21+ cr)