BENTO_BENOS Specialisation in Biological and Environmental Science (30+ cr)

Study level:
Postgraduate studies
Responsible organisation:
Department of Biological and Environmental Science
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028
Elective studies:


The Doctoral Programme in Biological and Environmental Science is a part of the University of Jyväskylä’s Graduate School for Doctoral Studies and the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Mathematics and Science. The Doctoral Programme trains experts in fields including biological nanoscience, evolutionary research and sustainable use of natural resources.

Biological nanoscience is an interdisciplinary field of research that aims to understand the molecular mechanisms of microbes and proteins at the nano level and their practical applications in the fields of biotechnology and medicine, among others.

Evolutionary research explains changes across multiple levels of biological organization, from molecular networks, to individuals, populations and ecosystems. With a strong tradition of using experimental approaches (both in field and laboratory), evolutionary research formulates new predictions and develops mechanistic tools to understand evolutionary dynamics of complex systems.

Sustainable use of natural resources examines the impact of human activity on nature and the sustainable use of natural resources, as well as developing ways to reduce the harmful environmental effects caused by human activity. The activity combines land and water ecosystem research and the protection and use of water and catchment area natural resources.

The training is based on original research of high international quality. All full-time doctoral students are expected to graduate within four years of enrolment to the programme.

There are two specialisation options for doctoral students: Biological and Environmental Science and Clinical Cell Biology. Clinical Cell Biology (in Finnish, sairaalasolubiologin opintosuunta) is only offered in Finnish.

  • In Biological and Environmental Science, in addition to completing the doctoral dissertation, the doctoral student should complete at least 30 ECTS credits of postgraduate studies that consist of courses in the major subject that can be supplemented by other subjects that support their research.
  • In the specialisation Clinical Cell Biology, the student completes at least 60 ECTS credits of postgraduate studies in addition to the doctoral dissertation.

Studies in biology (discipline specific studies) should be at least advanced level studies (at least level S). Outside biology (transferable skills studies), certain bachelor level studies can be approved if they are shown to complement the PhD student´s expertise. Transferable skills studies must include at least 2 ECTS credits of studies in research ethics (BENJ1006), at least 2 ECTS of studies in communication (Movi’s courses for doctoral students, or equivalent), and at least 1 ECTS of studies in open science (LIBJ1001).

All coursework and the credits to be earned should be approved by one of the principal professors of the doctoral programme. The professor approves the student’s study plan in accordance with the criteria established by the Department.

Students should take an active role in learning by participating in teaching, research seminars and international scientific conference during their studies. In some cases, doctoral students may be able to also work and study abroad. The combination of research, ethics, transferable and professional skills prepare students for careers as an independent researcher or professional expert position.

The requirements for the licentiate degree are otherwise the same as the requirements for the doctoral degree, but instead of a dissertation, a licentiate thesis is prepared.

Learning outcomes

Graduates will

  • have the in-depth understanding required for experts of their field of research,
  • have the scientific skills to produce new knowledge and address unsolved research problems,
  • develop experience in leading a research project by formulating research plans, conducting and managing research, and critically evaluating research results,
  • know and follow the expected ethical norms of scientific research and understand the principles of open science,
  • effectively communicate in both written and oral formats with the scientific community, as well as with the media and general public,
  • publish findings in international, peer-reviewed journals,
  • be able to collaborate with other researchers and professionals and work in international teams,
  • be able to share knowledge with different audiences, in particular to those with less expertise, e.g. via teaching and advising,
  • understand academic work-life and the expectations and responsibilities of employees at the University of Jyväskylä in relation to research, teaching, and societal engagement.


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