Master's Degree Programme in Environmental Science

Degree title:
Master of Science
Degree program type:
Master's Degree
120 cr
Responsible organisation:
Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Coordinating organisation:
Department of Biological and Environmental Science
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


By studying environmental science, you will have a multidisciplinary basis to understand how different factors affect the state of the environment, the interactions between organisms and their environment, and how to assess the state of the environment. The aim of the education is to provide insight to the effects of human activity on organisms and the environment, as well as the effects of environmental contaminants that affect the functioning of biological systems. A good knowledge of environmental science gives you versatile skills for work in the environmental field. In addition, the education develops scientific thinking and the ability to use scientific working methods. The focus of the education is in evaluating the effects of human activity using principles of natural sciences, as well as in methods of environmental research, environmental analytics and geospatial data analysis. You can strengthen your skills in, for example, circular economy, environmental management, environmental law or sustainable development by choosing for your degree different electabe courses, modules or study units offered by these fields.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the Master's Degree Programme in Environmental Science you will:

  • have the capacity to become an expert in a variety of professional and scientific working groups, and be able to communicate your expertise to others

  • understand the interactions between the natural environment and social processes, as well as the multidisciplinary nature of environmental issues

  • master the key methods of environmental chemistry and - analytics, environmental microbiology, experimental research, and geoinformatics, as well as the fundaments of environmental impact assessment

  • know how to acquire information from open environmental data collections and distribution servers, and utilize available spatial data sets

  • be able to critically evaluate available information, produce under supervision new research based on scientific principles, and be motivated to maintain your knowledge and skills

  • have adopted the principles of good scientific practice and high ethical principles in experimental work

The master is active and responsible in professional work, striving for objective knowledge and able to outline the best scientifically based solutions to practical questions and problems of environmental science. The master is solution-oriented, cooperative and willing to share the expertise in society. 


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