Master's Degree Programme in Cell and Molecular Biology

Degree title:
Master of Science
Degree program type:
Master's Degree
120 cr
Responsible organisation:
Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Coordinating organisation:
Department of Biological and Environmental Science
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


The Master's Degree programme in cell and molecular biology is based in modern international- level research and educates broadly-trained experts who can be employed in research and development, business and management, or public administration. The main focus of the studies in the programme is on the molecular mechanisms of life, focusing on nanobiology, in particular microbiology, virology, and protein structure and function. In addition to the major subject studies, students are encouraged to take minors from the other disciplines offered in the university such as other natural sciences, statistics, computer sciences, business studies or social sciences.

Learning outcomes

Graduates from the Master's Degree programme  

  • will have deep understanding of basic concepts and theories in cell and molecular biology.
  • are able to conduct scientific research as a part of a multidisciplinary research teams under supervision and are able to evaluate research results. 
  • are able to plan and execute laboratory experiments using modern molecular biology, biochemistry and cell biology and analyze large datasets.
  • are able to contribute to scientific and societal discourse and is able to work in international teams both in Finnish and in English.
  • are able to apply scientific thinking in their own and other fields. 
  • uphold high scientific and ethical principles.


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