Doctoral Programme in Chemistry

Degree title:
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree program type:
Doctor's Degree
30+ cr
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Coordinating organisation:
Department of Chemistry
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


The Doctoral Programme in Chemistry offers you the opportunity to become a top chemist and prepare for a wide range of jobs in chemistry. The four-year programme will provide you with an in-depth introduction to your field of research, ensuring that the studies you complete and your doctoral research combine to create a solid body of professional knowledge and enhance your overall professional skills.

In the Doctoral Programme in Chemistry, you will expand your knowledge of chemistry and acquire specialised knowledge in your chosen field of chemistry. The flexibility of the programme allows you to take postgraduate courses according to your interests and career goals. The focus is on developing creative and critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The aim is to train the chemistry experts of the future, capable of challenging conventional wisdom and developing innovative solutions to complex problems in the field.

You can gain international scientific experience either abroad or through internationalisation at your home university. Working with the international staff of the Department of Chemistry and the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences offers a unique opportunity for internationalisation in a domestic context. These, together with the language courses offered by the university, will help improve your language skills and prepare you to work in international fora. Working with colleagues from different countries will enrich your research experience and give you a broader perspective on the world of chemistry.

When you graduate from the Doctoral Programme in Chemistry, you will have a broad knowledge of chemistry and be ready to take on a wide range of tasks, whether it's academic research, industrial innovation or solving environmental problems. The aim of the programme is to produce top performers who are ready to contribute to the advancement of science and technology and to solve global challenges.

To obtain a Doctoral degree in chemistry, you must complete a doctoral thesis and at least 30 credits of postgraduate studies. The requirements for a Licentiate degree are otherwise the same as for a PhD, but the dissertation is replaced by a Licentiate thesis.

Learning outcomes

Doctoral graduates in Chemistry:

1. have a deep understanding of their field of research and its relevance to society. Are able to identify the impact and relevance of their research in society.

2. have the ability to apply independently and critically the methods of scientific research and to generate new scientific knowledge. Are able to design, conduct and evaluate scientific research.

3. are familiar with the literature, current research issues and appropriate research methods in their field of research. Have the ability to evaluate and integrate research literature into their own work.

4. understand general scientific theories and are able to contribute to the debate and development of other disciplines in addition to their own field of research. Are open to new perspectives and interdisciplinary cooperation.

5. have acquired international experience, either through research visits abroad, conferences and courses, or through participation in internationalisation activities at home university and in cooperation with international researchers. Have exposed to different cultures and scientific perspectives.

6. have learned to generate and apply new ideas, concepts and approaches to chemistry research and problem solving. Identify opportunities for innovation and continuously strive to improve existing methods and practices.

7. are proactive and active. Are able to identify and address needs on their own initiative and are prepared to challenge traditional ways of working and seek new opportunities.

8. have strong communication skills, are able to present research findings in a clear and convincing manner and are prepared to interact actively with stakeholders. Have strong project management and self-management skills, which will enable them to succeed in complex and demanding expert and development assignments, both at national and international level.


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