Master's Degree Programme in Aquatic Sciences

Degree title:
Master of Science
Degree program type:
Master's Degree
120 cr
Responsible organisation:
Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Coordinating organisation:
Department of Biological and Environmental Science
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


The Master's Degree Programme in Aquatic Sciences is based on diverse research and teaching and provides a broad education for experts in aquatic ecosystems, for example, to meet the needs of conservation and health of aquatic systems, fisheries and environmental management, as well as educators and researchers. The programme includes varied knowledge and skills related to the study of waterways, the organisms that depend on waterways, and their interactions, as well as the services that aquatic ecosystems provide to society. The main themes of the Master's programme are limnology, fish biology and fisheries, and aquatic parasitology. Students are encouraged to also include studies in statistics, chemistry, physics or economics and social science in their programme. 

Learning outcomes

A Master of Aquatic Sciences 

  • understands the central principles and theories of aquatic sciences. 
  • understands the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems as well as how human actions impact aquatic ecosystems and their exploitable resources. 
  • can perform scientific research in groups and evaluate research findings. 
  • can plan and carry out research in the field and in the laboratory and analyze large datasets.
  • is able to contribute to scientific and societal discourse and is able to work in international teams both in Finnish and in English. 
  • is able to apply scientific thinking in their own and other fields. 
  • upholds high scientific and ethical principles.


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