YTTP2130 Introduction to Accounting (5 cr)

Study level:
Basic studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


Basics of financial and management accounting: Accounting information, recording business transactions, profit measurement, financial statement objectives, presentation and analysis, nature of management accounting, cost concepts and behavior, CVP -analysis, cost accounting systems (job order costing, process costing and activity-based costing).

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- explain the role of the accounting information in organizations and society
- define the basic concepts of accounting
- analyze the effects of basic transactions on the balance sheet equation
- explain and apply the logic of double entry bookkeeping
- record basic transactions and adjusting entries within the double-entry system
- explain the preparation of the financial statements for small businesses
- calculate and interpret key financial ratios
- define different concepts of costs and explain how different types of costs behave
- apply CVP analysis
- describe and apply the major types of cost management (accounting) systems

- Meta skills: analytical thinking


  • Stolowy, H., Lebas, M. & Ding, Y. 2013: Financial Accounting and Reporting. A Global Perspective. (Chapters 1-5 and 7.2); ISBN: 9781408021132
  • Atkinson, A.A., Kaplan, R.S., Young, S.M. 2004 (or a newer edition). Management accounting. (Chapters 1–4); ISBN: 0131230263

Completion methods

Method 1

Evaluation criteria:
Time of teaching:
Period 3
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

Participation in teaching (5 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
