XENK003 Communication Skills (3 cr)
Learning outcomes
On completion of the course, students are expected to:
- recognize and adjust to interdisciplinary or intercultural differences in communication.
- communicate and interact competently in various formal and informal situations in both general, field-specific academic contexts and professional situations, using a variety of strategies.
- work purposefully in teams, negotiating to complete tasks and presenting information clearly and academically to others.
- prepare and deliver a well-structured and clear academic, professional presentation that follows internationally accepted norms and discipline specific conventions and terminology.
- discuss, summarise, synthesise, and formulate research information in their own words orally and in written form.
- direct, monitor, and assess their own and peer learning for the development of further skills and confidence.
Additional information
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Recommended prerequisites
- Prerequisite group 1
- XENK001 Academic Reading (3 cr)Not published for this curriculum period